Whilst perhaps not agreeing with everything the RSPCA say or do, nevertheless, their latest survey and appeal to government is a valuable move.
A survey, carried out for them by Savanta ComRes, showed that 75% of adults in England agree that the government should honour the commitment it made during the 2019 election, to not lower animal welfare standards in trade agreements with other countries after leaving the EU.
They are calling on the government to protect the UK animal welfare standards.
They have backed up the survey and appeal with a video shot in the US, illustrating the standards of animals production there.
Having watched the video, I feel it could have had more impact if a wider argument was put forward. The photography was not very good and shots of hens in conventional laying cages was not especially illuminating on the argument being put forward.
The pictures of lame broilers were fairly standard to what we have seen before.
The comments on sow stalls were more to the point.
No figures were given as t the scale of the conditions, nor was any veterinary or professional comment sought. Altogether, perhaps a lost opportunity.
However, the RSPCA is still asking for signatures to their petition and it is to be hoped that this, added to industry’s appeals to government, will produce the desired effect.
But, the supermarkets must be made to promise also.